Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service aims to eliminate Domestic and Family Violence in our community through the provision of quality education and training services to the community in general, as well as professionals working with victims and child witnesses who have experience Domestic and Family Violence.
Through Community Education we aim to:
CRDVS has a number of programs it can offer to interested groups, and can work with agencies to tailor a program to suit their individual needs.
Some of our more popular programs are shown below.
Healthy Relationships – a 1 hour program offered to year 11 and 12 students to help identify the elements of healthy relationships, as well as looking at warning signs of an unhealthy relationship.
Domestic Violence Legislation and the Court Process – a 1 hour program offered to High School Legal Studies classes. We look at the Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 1989, the types of behaviour, and relationships covered by the act. We also look at how the court process works for both victims and perpetrators.
Recognising and Responding to Domestic and Family Violence – a 1 day workshop suitable for those working in the sector and interested community members. This is a general overview of Domestic Violence and its prevalence in the Australian community. We look at many of the dynamics of Domestic Violence, its impacts and the myths surrounding it. We also look at ways of responding to victims and self care for those people (family, friends or professionals) supporting victims.
"Healthy Relationships are formed by Healthy Choices" created by students of Wangetti College, Far North Queensland
This short film was produced here in Far North Queensland as a collaborative project between ourselves, Wuchopperen Health Service and Wangetti College. The film's content was developed by the students.